Saturday, August 22, 2015

Scene 5 : Murder in the Pearl [SHANGHAI’D]

Scene 5
                                Murder in the Pearl [SHANGHAI’D]
                                      Music AK-47- “Unstoppable”
          Scene begins with painter frantically picking his bike up off the lawn behind the PSC(University) parking lot, looking back over his shoulder to see a beautiful Asian girl astride a Buell(Crotch Rocket motor cycle), flipping him the finger and yelling ,
“Painter, next time your dead mother fucker.”
  Painter takes off and starts flying through the streets of Portland, north toward China town. The journey is a quick,fast and mean look at some of Portland’s monuments. He goes through the engineering sculpture west of the PSC parking lot  to 3rd street passed Lovejoy park and a magnificent golden sculpture.He jumps  three  series of steps  and weaves in and out of weekend strollers. He heads for Madison ave. One last set of stairs to clear...
                                [scene change]
           Father is with the two girls handing a briefcase to someone.
That someone holds the girls hands, lifts them to his lips and gently kisses them.
       Painters lands, almost crashes into a group of students.They scatter. He turns right and heads east toward the waterfront fountain and the Willamette river;one of the two rivers that runs through Portland. He reaches the waterfront and heads north for the safety of  a crowded Saturday market [A bazaar where local artisans, musicians performers and vendors of all types gather to sell their wears and entertain the tourists and middle class patrons]
 We see the Front side of a hospital - PHSU [research hospital/university]
        Inside the hospital..........................The doctor begins.
After allowing the girl the luxury of shooting up BASE 1, he places her comfortably within a reclining dentist chair. Base 1, an experimental drug that travels through the system by means of a nano-biological pathogen produces the effects of heroin, methamphetamine, and peyote.The addictive qualities are ten times that of any other substance and the devotees are hooked after just one dose.Slaves. 
               The Dr. then places a 3D - virtual - reality headset over the lovely young ladies unsuspecting skull.As she marveles at the realistic erotic experience the professor readies for the surgical procedure.

       Painter heads up two flights of stairs exiting to the Burnside bridge, passes the bus station, into the Pearl district where he notices a commotion around Kearney Park. He stops looks into the camera...
"This is not my day" 
It’s chaotic.Yellow warning tape.Flashing lights. Police.Fire. Ambulance. 
                    Two bodies. Mutilation. Blood. 
       A family friendly fountain park in the middle of the Pearl[an upper middle class neighborhood adjacent to China town and some other nefarious places.] 
       Painter sees some not so welcoming familiar faces: Officer Lee [Asian/African American ex Army Special forces]A good guy but very tough. Officer Kelly [Home town third generation cop] Katlin’s father. Fire chief Thomas. Always where Painter least expects him to be;Painter's uncle and "Father’s" longtime school buddy/partner in crime; has saved Painter's ass more than a couple times. And Police Chief Margret Thatcher.
 “Where are you going” says Tyranny (The fifteen year old)
“Todd’s waiting and I’m horny. How ‘bout you?” Smiles Katlin.
“Home to see my Auntie.” Tyranny lied.
Officer Kelly Yelling. " Preston!"
Painter turns the other direction and tries to ignore officer Kelly.
Painter keeps riding.
Kelly. Now yelling at the top of his lungs." Preston Alijah Coule! Get your ass over here!"
              Mel is pacing like a caged cougar. He's in a Lab.
He eyes an experiment that’s percolating, Turns and heads to a refrigerator pulls out an ice cream and delivers it to an uncaged chimp, who looks, Oh so glad. Relieved.He's addicted to those ice creams.
Painter talking with the cops and shrugging his shoulders. 
" Who me? I don't know them."
            Mother and Father arguing,pushing, shoving.
           Helicopter camera shot of the Murder in the Pearl.
Shot zooms in toward crowd of firemen, police, EMTs and Painter.
Helicopter, Sirens in the distance,Excited,unintelligible commotion of crowd. 
You can barely make out Painter reluctantly pleading.
"OK,OK, It's..It's them.. It's... the sirens and commotion drown out Painters last words.
                                  SLOW FADE                                                            Mel In bed with Tyranny, His hands around her neck. She's smiling and laughing. Then panic! Mel gasping,clutching strangling. Veins bulging in his for head.
                                SLOW FADE
       It's midnight and the lights of the city peer through venetian blinds.The silhouettes and aroma are unmistakable.
                       Mother, undressing Eva.
                             Fade to Black: 
          (music) Rolling Stones; "Sympathy for the Devil" 
                                THE END
           Episode one of; BOOSTERS by; Vicious Coule

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