Saturday, July 18, 2015

 Scene 3                               BOOSTERS
                           Music = "Shake it Off"; Taylor Swift 

            The setting; The parking lot of PSC (Local University), below PHSU ( Research Hospital/University Located on the hilltop above PSC) - Looking from behind, in the back of what looks to be a four door family sedan, we see two skate boards; one's a long board- one standard deck, some crushed cans, a tee-shirt and bra... And... The head and shoulders of a guy with a DG ball cap on backward; and naked breasts bouncing up and down, covered in frantically swinging blonde hair. The girl is a PSC student (Katlin ) abusing her mother's car.... She’s topless, skirt hiked up  f@ing Todd (A Booster) in the back seat of said vehicle.. A  Volvo XC60; The family soccer-mom car.
 Katlin is panting,“Fuck me, Fuck me,FUCK!, FUCK!, FUCK! FUCK!...YES!....YESS!...OH FUCK YES!”
While Todd groans “You are the best. Here it comes. Just for you. Here it comes.”
“ No,no,no,no,no…..Not yet, I have something special” Gasps Katlin
       Painter (A Booster) is on his motocross bike with his head stuck in the driver’s side window taping them on his iphone and rambling about” The professor” (One of Katlin’s instructors at PSC, who does research at PHSU.
            Painter complains...
          ...“That creepy little asshole is gonna get us killed; Shot, strangled, drowned or, or, or .....And Pooch (Another Booster) is still missin! Only God fuckin knows when, where and what’s left of him is gonna show up. We’re fucked, fucked,  fu….” 
Interrupting Painter ... Trish (Katlin’s friend) scoffs...
                      “Kill the drama you fucking pussy.” Then she returns to enjoying the Todd and Katlin show from the passenger seat where she too is making her own reality pornumentary.
     “Shut up cunt” says Painter “We’re fucked Todd. We’re fucked. Fucked!..... That Genetic Prober fuck better do something, anything soon.... Cause right now... We’re fucked! …..”

.......“Niiice move….UH.. move... Never seeeen that before.” Katlin and Todd moan... in harmony
                    Todd, surprised, grunts...“WOW! Katlin... What the fuck was that?”
“Some kind of Kama Sutra Tantric shit I learned while fucking my yoga teeeeecherrr  .” Katlin smiles ... 
“Feels good huh?”She pants.
“Painter?... You better not get my face in the shot” Scolds Todd to Painter, who hands his phone to Trish, now with two phones.
 “ OK, but too late for Kate.” Painter guffaws...and he continues his pleading, while Trish focuses on the filming,
 “I’m not kidding Todd, these people will do worse than kill you. They’ll start choppin off shit.” Pleads Painter.
Trish looks at Painter,
...“ We’ve done everything the professor asks. And I mean EV.. ER..Y ... THING!; Referring to herself and Trish. But he knows we need him. What else can we do?” 

.......Right then two crouch rockets fly around the corner onto the second floor of the garage and head straight for the Volvo. Trish jumps out of the car and runs for the stairs. And Painter heads in the opposite direction.
 One of the bikers speeds for Trish, skids sideways and bike slaps her with the rear wheel of a Beull 650. She flies 15 feet with phones flying, then hits the ground with a thud and a groan....unconscious. Then that same biker heads for Painter.
         Painter is almost scot free when he too gets bike slapped; sending him over the edge of a three foot concrete wall and plummeting toward the ground. It’s only one story and Painter smashes on the lawn, gets up, checks his bike, and rides off.
The biker then curses and pulls off a helmet to unveil long black hair attached to a beautiful Chinese girl. She waves her middle finger and yells.
“Painter! Next time you’re dead mother fucker.”
      While Painter and Trish are getting bike slapped around Todd and Katlin are in no better shape because the other biker skids up to the passenger side smashes the window with the butt end of a Ruger SR9 and yanks a half-naked Katlin out by her long blonde hair. While still on her bike, with one kick to the chest she knocks Katlin up against the Volvo who then slowly slides to the ground, half naked and out cold.
The biker points the SR9 at her head and begins to pull the trigger. 
 Todd, scrambling to get his pants on shouts STOP! The biker stuffs the Ruger and jumps off her bike to violently yank him from the Volvo. His pants are still around his ankles when the biker grabs his balls, pulls off the helmet and cracks him across the face; Knocking out a front tooth. Then glaring at Todd through the long black bangs of a page boy haircut, this fine Chinese girl with half of her face tattooed gets very close to Todd – nose to nose- and whispers.
“Next time we kill them and take these.”
She tugs on his balls.
 Then she smashes him again upside the head and he too falls to the ground; out cold.

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